Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Submitting to God's Therapy

So I started physio-therapy on my knee, which I blew out almost two weeks ago (New Year's eve to be exact), skiing. I have some pulled tendons and damaged cartilage ... or something like that. Anyway, it hurts and when I walk I look like Quasimodo - hunched over, hobbling and shuffling grotesquely. My back hurts, I am not sleeping well, more easily irritated than usual (ask my kids) and feeling sorry for myself because I cannot go skiing on my amazing new pair of Heads.
The physio session was not pleasant...basically someone was causing me pain for an hour straight after which I said thank you and paid them. BUT, to my absolute amazement, I am able to step on my whole foot - my whole foot! Not just my toe! I cannot believe this progress - really! I tore my ACL eight years ago. I did not go to the doctor or for any therapy back then. Eventually it healed, but it took months and I re-injured it often during the healing process.
So today, I see that physio-therapy is akin to our spiritual maturing process. If we go along with God's "therapy" and submit to His molding, prodding, pressing and the exercises He assigns, we get better a lot faster. If we pray, read the Word, obey, listen, serve, confess and forgive, the pain, the sleeplessness, the irritability and the twistedness of our soul heal a lot faster than if we "refuse treatment", self-diagnose, do what we think is best and hope that eventually things will get better.
I encourage you to place yourself into God's expert hands. He is the soul-therapy master - hands down. He has seen every case under the sun (literally) and He knows exactly what you need. He will not push you to the point of breaking, although He may push you to a point of great pain. All of it is for the purpose of your healing. Don't be a fool, go along with His program or keep suffering...maybe things will get better eventually...but I doubt it.

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